Friday, February 27, 2009


Kip and I were thinking of growing out Cashe's hair a little longer because we keep cutting it when it gets any length at all. BUT...we just can't help it! This is the longest his hair has ever been :)

We decided to cut it! I'm PATHETIC...I just can't control his hair when it gets that long! I love it short because It's so much easier to take care of. So here's his NEW DO, so cute! He actually did so well sitting still this time! He was a very good boy for the barber!

Kip was also saying he wanted to get him a big boy hat, so I went to the mall and got him a HURLEY one! Cashe helped pick it out and he loves wearing his new hat outside! Usually when he goes inside he doesn't like to wear it :) His SMART mommy decided to get a WHITE hat...ha ha...but it's darling anyway!

That's all for now~:)

Outside Fun!

So the last few days have finally been warm enough to play outside...YAY!!! Cashe has been stuck in our tiny little home for so long and is always asking mommy to go on a walk. I really can't wait till summer so we can get out and play all day!

We have a swing tied to a tree in our front yard and Cashe LOVES it! He didn't want to get out until I asked him if he wanted to go on a walk :) So here are some pictures of his little adventure!

Then...the very next day...IT'S COLD AGAIN! BUMMER!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Growing up so fast! Happy Valentines Day!

I was going through some old videos and found these really funny ones of Cashe when he was younger.

Cashe loves being the center of attention, and in this video he was 7 months old. He was showing off his tricks, giving high five, clicking his tongue and nodding his head all at the same time :).

In this one, my mom had just bought Cashe some new squeaky shoes since he started walking. He was so funny when we first put them on him. At first he didn't realize he was making the sound, but when he did he got really embarrassed! I'm sad we didn't catch his whole reaction on tape, but glad that we got at least some of it. Every time we put them on he would crawl instead of walk because he didn't want them to make noise. They were pretty annoying, but it was nice for him to wear them on Tuesday's while my mom was watching him along with 4 other kids!

Cashe put his valentines stickers that he got from his cousin, Courtney, on his cheeks and shirt :) He was so good to smile for the camera!

I tried to get a good video of Cashe talking because he is doing so well now, but it's really difficult to get him to sit still for too long. I only got a couple words out of him and he decides to turn off the camera himself! I'll try again later!

It's so crazy how fast he's grown up already! I can't believe how much these babies change in the first couple years of their life. I'm so excited to see him grow up every day and learn new things all the time.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm here

I'm going to start blogging, I think it will really motivate me to take more pictures every day, and we really need more pictures of Kip and I! I'm very new at this and no one is helping me so I'm not sure what to do yet. I suppose I will just give an update on our little family!

Kip is now working at the Micron building for Aerotech, he recently changed positions from inventory to operations technician (which is a good thing). He works 3-4 days a week 12 hours a day. Kip's such a great husband, he's always making Cashe and I food, like steak dinner, taco's or yummy breakfast :) Even when he's dead tired he's still willing to go to a movie with me. Just the other day I called my mom to see if she wanted to go to a 9:30 PM movie and she said it was a little to late for her that day.
Kip had just worked almost 13 hours and had to get up at 5 AM but was still willing to go see CORALINE with me because I couldn't find anyone to go. He ended up falling asleep half way through, ha ha. He was just trying to be a good husband! If anyone was wondering, I thought it was a really good movie! Unfortunately we didn't get to see it in 3D because we went to the Megaplex theatre at Thanksgiving Point.

As for me, I'm still working from home for 1-800 CONTACTS part time. I love staying home with Cashe and trying to figure out new things to do with him.

Speaking of new things to do...we bought an art station for Cashe on Christmas, this was his first picture he made! We don't do it often because it gets pretty messy, so I just let him draw with his crayons.

Cashe is now 21 months old and he is starting to talk really well now. He tries to say almost everything we ask him to. He just has a hard time with sentences ;). Cashe is also turning into such a loving boy, always giving kisses when he's grateful for something or just when he wants to be a sweet boy. He is also saying "Thank you" every time he's given something or when he wants you to hold something for him, it's so cute!
That's it for now...I hope I did a good job for my first time with no help!