Monday, April 27, 2009

The Big 27 ahh!

My hubby, Kip's birthday was just on the 23rd of April...he is now 27! That seems so-o old :) (still love you babe)! Unfortunately he did have to work a 12 hour shift on his birthday and he was SICK all day...I made him some lasagna and bought his favorite, German Chocolate Cake. Well, I didn't get any pictures of him because he went straight to bed after work, but I did get some of my Cashey Poo EYEING that cake until he got home!

I can NEVER get a good picture of Cashe anymore...he will not sit still for a picture. It's a shame cuz he has the cutest smile in the world :)

I lit the candles before Kip came home so Cashe could blow them out (practice for his birthday in 2 weeks) and as soon as I lit them he started singing the "Happy Birthday" song! I had absolutely no clue he knew that song at all, I was amazed! Of course I'm probably the only one who would recognize it because I'm his mother, and his pronunciation isn't great yet ;) but the tune was pretty darn good and I could hear the "duh duh duh duh, to you!" it was cute! I was able to record it, but it wasn't his best, it never is when you get it on film!!

I also got Kip EAGLES concert tickets for his birthday! YAY! It will be fun!


So me, my mom and my three sisters were able to FLY to ORLANDO, FL this month and have a relaxing vacation with no KIDS :O! It was so much fun to be able to spend 4 full days with my beautiful sisters and mom. But I did miss my little boy... :) We spent a bunch of time at DISNEY WORLD , and spent some time shopping, hot tubing and EATING A TON :) We all just took carry-on baggage to save some money, so to save some space we just brought one camera...which means I don't have any pictures to post as of now! Maybe I can get some later!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some more FISH

Kip's huge Cat fish he caught on Utah Lake, almost 9 pounds!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Our Easter

This Easter, Cashe was old enough to participate in the Easter egg hunts...but he didn't understand it too well. I guess I should have practiced with him beforehand. On Saturday we went to my mom's ward and did their Easter egg hunt at the park. Cashe had a little fun on the playground too.

He loves to climb on things but does get a little nervous at times :)

He REALLY didn't like to wait in line for 5 minutes before it started, but Grandma was really nice to hold him.Mommy, stop taking pictures of me! he goes!
All he wanted to do was get his CANDY from the bag...he didn't care to go get the eggs at all!
YUMMY....:) I swear my little boy already fiends for sweets...I don't know what to do, I guess he gets if from his mommy and Grandma!
This is Cashe's Easter basket before he got to it...
I love how the shoes are camouflaged in the shorts :) Oh and afterwards when I tried the clothes on him, i noticed the shirt was a BIT BIG...the hanger said 2t but I looked at the actual tag and it said 4t! Ha ha I can't believe I didn't notice was huge!

More shirts..with a cute vest...he is in desperate need of "dress" clothes
Getting into Daddy's Easter basket too! (notice that Cashe and Kip got the same shirt for Easter) I thought it was so cute that they had matching shirts! What's funny is that I got Cashe's shirt from Old Navy two weeks ago and I saw the same shirt in Kip's size at WAL-MART....I had to get it! I just though that was so weird!

Look mom a BUNNY!

Playing with his new basketball toy! He thought that was pretty cool, and he likes to put the hoop on his head :) I didn't get pictures unfortunately, but that evening we went to Bryson and Shannon's for dinner with Candace and Dave and Grandma and Grandpa and of course ALL the kids! They even had a little Easter egg hunt as well and it was really fun, Cashe was a little better but he just wanted to play with the trucks that were hidden in the grass. We had a great EASTER and we hope you did too! (WOW that was a LONG POST)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Big Fish

Kip has found a new buddy from work to go fishing with and lately they have been going almost every Monday. They even went today at 5:45 AM in the BLIZZARD...I would say that's a little CRAZY :) They usually go to Deer Creek to catch their fish and Kip is pretty proud of his catch today. Here are some pictures of the monster TROUT he caught!

Pretty big huh?

Cashe was pretty hesitant at first...

But then got CLOSER...

and CLOSER...

and eventually got all the way on Kip's knee to see them up close and personal. We had his friend and his wife over for dinner last night and ate some fish they caught earlier, and Cashe really liked it! I thought that was pretty cool.

I love my cute boys!