Thursday, March 26, 2009

Potty Time!

Cashe has had a lot of interest in the potty lately so I decided to get the training potty and see what happens. At first, he didn't want to sit on or have anything to do with it really.'s been sitting in his room for a while.

One day....Cashe decided he wanted to go "pee-pee" and so I pulled his pants down and he went! I was so-o proud of my little boy! It hasn't been consistent at all, but he's actually wanting to go in the potty.

ANYWAY, today he decided to go "pee-pee" the first time I changed his diaper and then he went 3 more times by 4:30 PM! Two times in his potty, one in the BIG toilet, and 1 in the TUB :) So here is Cashe with his reward for being a BIG BOY!

And here is Cashe running away from the camera, he did NOT want me to take pictures of him today :).

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Our first pet!

So Kip thought we needed a new addition in the home and decided to bring Cashe to the pet store to pick something out. We aren't allowed any dogs or cats in our apartment so he was thinking more along the lines of a fish tank or frog. So he ended up bringing home a new LIZARD!

Cashe is really fascinated with it and always wants to take it out of the cage. I think he's pretty cool...but I won't hold him for TOO long :)

He's a funny little you can tell we don't have a name for him if YOU have any IDEAS, let us know!


As many of you know, Cashe has been obsessed with the movie "Annie the musical", and wants to watch it all day every day! Even though as a child, I was also obsessed with this same movie, I wasn't the person who got him into the was his wonderful GRANDMA CARD! His FAVORITE part of the movie is where Annie saves Sandy, the dog, from the mean boys. He loves the song about the dog too and he LOVES singing it all the time! It's so funny, so I decided to secretly record him. The song is called "Dumb dog". If you click on this link it will bring you to the part of this movie and the song.

And...this is Cashe's version of the can hear him say "dumb dog" at the end of each line :)

Did you notice him going higher and higher? Ha ha I love it! He is so into music and singing and I think he's ALWAYS going to be my little singer!